„Concert”-ul lui Radu Mihăileanu, nominalizat la Golden Globe

Nominalizările anunţate ieri de Hollywood Foreign Press Association pentru Golden Globe 2010 includ, la categoria Best Foreign Language Film, Le Concert, o poveste plasată în urmă cu treizeci de ani, a unui dirijor al orchestrei moscovite Balshoi care, după ce e concediat pentru a fi angajat muzicieni evrei, porneşte într-o aventură ambiţioasă. Dirijorul Andrey Simonovich Filipov (jucat […]


Cât de bine mai merge şcoala românească (şi nu ştiu exact la care din nivelele ei) se vede cel mai repede atunci când românii îşi dau drumul la scris. Sunt atâtea pretexte şi contexte în care scrisul ne devine public în ziua de azi încât o asemenea confruntare, a noastră cu noi înşine – cei […]

Why Romania Is A Holiday Must This Summer

Planning a vacation? Well Romania is “the” place almost on one…it is the like night and day unpolished in terms of climate, terrain, flora and fauna; snow capped mountains and a scorching coastline- you can ski on snow or on water! It is located in southeastern Europe. Romania is surrounded by Ukraine to the north, […]

France: Bulgaria, Romania Still Not Ready for Schengen Entry

France is refusing to start quarrels, weakening Europe’s capacity to control its migration flows, the French European Affairs Minister, Laurent Wauquiez, said, pointing out that Bulgaria and Romania are not ready to enter the Schengen zone. During debates in the French National Assembly, focused on problems in Europe, Wauquiez has stated that France‘s position has […]


Dacă am transmuta un principiu din publicitatea auto recentă în turism, oare nu ne-ar fi profitabil? Nişte coreeni dăştepţi, ce au înţeles bine economia capitalistă, vând de ceva ani (inclusiv în România), maşinuţe arătoase făcute cu mâna lor şi aplicate cu o siglă de (mare) istoric american. Un istoric de fiabilitate, brutalitate motoristică, statut pe […]

Stigmatul unei vize

Unul din primele şocuri pe care le-am suferit în contact cu Occidentul a fost în 1999, secolul trecut, când am devenit pentru prima oară, timp de o săptămână, turist în Austria, Germania şi Franţa. Şocul a venit, să zic aşa, de la o minusculă emblemă cu dată ce trebuia aplicată pe o pagină din urmă […]

December 1st – Romania National Day

December 1st was declared „Romania’s National Day/ Ziua nationala a Romaniei” in 1990. Named also Great Union Day / Ziua Marii Uniri, this day memorializes the unification of Transylvania and all the historical Romanian territories into ‘Greater Romania’ in 1918, under the tricolor Romanian flag. The Wallachian prince Michael the Brave / Mihai Viteazul, is […]

Staying In Romania

It’s time to book a hotel in Romania. Have your neighbours or friends been speaking about how great deal it is to visit Romania for a vacation? Has one of your colleagues been praising it all day long since he’s come back from one of its tourist resorts? Book a hotel with us, and see […]

God Has Blessed Our Time in Romania

Our time in Romania is ending and we leave at 2 a.m. for Budapest. We will be home with our families tomorrow evening. It has been an amazing week and we accomplished everything and more than we planned and have been so blessed. Today the playroom was finished. We had a mini-spa for the ladies […]

Romania’s most-wanted closer to extradition

A Syrian-Romanian serving a prison sentence in Syria may also get jail time in Romania. Omar Hayssam, a Romanian-Syrian businessman, is escorted by special police forces at the main Bucharest court in 2005. [Reuters] Omar Hayssam, jailed in Syria for terrorism, could face added time in Romania as a result of an extradition treaty signed […]