O companie din California a intentat un proces legat de piraterie software impotriva guvernului chinez, a doi dezvoltatori software chinezi si sapte producatori de PC-uri, acuzandu-i ca au copiat ilegal cod in programul sau de filtrare a continutului Web si au distribuit acel cod ca parte a efortului de cenzurare sponsorizat de guvenul chinez.

Solid Oak Software din Santa Barbara, California, care vinde programul Cybersitter, au intentat o actiune civila in valoare de 2.2 miliarde$ la tribunalul federal din Los Angeles.

Pe langa guvernul Chinei, alti acuzati sunt producatorii de PC-uri Sony si Toshiba din Japonia; Lenovo, Acer, Asustek Computer si BenQ din Taiwan; Haier Group din China, precum si producatorii software din China Zhengzhou Jinhui System Engineering si Beijing Dazheng Human Language Technology Academy.

Compania acuza de incalcare copyright, delapidarea secretelor comerciale si conspiratie. Aceasta sustine ca producatorii chinezi ai software-ului Green Dam Youth Escort au copiat ilegal mai mult de 3000 de linii de cod din programul Cybersitter si ca au fost distribuite mai mult de 56 de milioane de copii ale Green Dam, chiar dupa ce au fost facute publice afirmatiile de incalcare copyright.

In iunie, guvernul chinez a inceput sa solicite ca toate PC-urile vandute in tara sa fie dotate cu software-ul Green Dam, pentru a proteja oamenii de pornogarfie. Activistii in domeniul drepturilor omului s-au plans ca acesta ar reprezenta o adevarata extindere a activitatilor de cenzura ale guvernului.

Un grup de cercetatori de la Universitatea Michigan au analizat Green Dam, dezvoltat de Dazheng si au ajuns la concluzia ca are vulnerabilitati de securitate si expune computerele la atacuri remote.

Acei cercetatori au descoperit ca Green Dam a copiat cod Cybersitter, inclusiv filtre proprietate si chiar si fisiere care nu erau necesare pentru functionare, ci erau notificari pentru clientii Cybersitter, a spus avocatul Solid Oak, Greg Fayer.

In urma criticarii software-ului, guvernul chinez a amanat implementarea politicii si a modificat-o, solicitand utilizarea Green Dam pe computere doar in scoli si Internet cafe-uri. Cu toate acestea, producatorii de PC-uri au continuat sa distribuie software-ul.

Guvernul chinez a platit initial companiilor Jinhui si Dzheng aproximativ 6.9 miliaone $ pentru o licenta pe un an pentru a distribui programul Green Dam si apoi a impus o taxa de licenta „substantiala” producatorilor de computere si altora care il utilizeaza, in acelasi timp oferindu-l pentru download gratuit de pe Internet.

Solid Oak mai sustine ca au existat numeroase incercari ilegale de a obtine acces la serverele sale din China si ca angajatii sai au fost asaltati cu email-uri continand un troian al carui scop era furtul de date.

The software company SMARTSOFT, operating in the software development area since 1997, is offering quality strategic software outsourcing services including process analysis, project management, marketing strategies, system analysis and design, support & deployment and search engine optimization, and IT and business consulting and development services.The Romanian IT Outsourcing Industry: A Stable Stable of Freelancers for the Online Marketplaces By Ulad Radkevitch, Outsourcing Journal IT freelancers and small businesses from over 130 nations compete for IT jobs at Rent A Coder, an online marketplace for professional services that facilitates over 12,000 IT projects per month. With over a dozen bids per project, buyers at Rent A Coder enjoy a wide selection of low-cost, high-quality suppliers; currently nearly 130,000 freelancers and companies are registered to bid for IT projects. Surprisingly, the largest proportion of these projects ends up not in the hands of Indians or Americans, but rather with IT professionals from Romania, an Eastern European nation. One such buyer is Athens Development, Inc., a small company from Tennessee that specializes in software applications for marketing. The company uses the marketplace to outsource 100 percent of its software development and support as well as some marketing-related services such as Web design. „For a small company like ours, it might be difficult to get adequate treatment from a typical Indian outsourcing provider as we do not generate enough work,” says Tracy A. Childers, the Founder of Athens Development. „A marketplace like Rent a Coder that provides access to talent from all over the world, along with value-added services such as escrow accounts, document storage, and arbitration, is an excellent solution for us. My business heavily relies on Rent a Coder. If something happens to Rent a Coder, it would be hard for me to switch to a different outsourcing channel,” he adds. For years, Romanians have been among the top three most active nations at this lively international bazaar, according to Rent a Coder Founder and CEO Ian Ippolito. In November 2005 Romanians accounted for 18 percent of the marketplace transaction volume, followed by Indians and Americans with 17 percent and 16 percent respectively. Why Romania? Athens Development, which has been using Rent a Coder for 18 months and runs several small outsourcing projects on a monthly basis, has developed a special preference for coders from Romania. According to Childers, Romanians always deliver high quality and are very committed to results. This type of attitude is supported by Ippolito. „Some buyers have told me that they prefer Romanian coders because their experience was that Romanians were harder working, more reliable with deadlines, and didn’t pester them with requests for payment before the job was completed.” However, even if Romanian freelancers are as hard working and cheap as it gets, this alone hardly explains why the country, with a population of just 22 million, is performing so well compared to offshore outsourcing giants such as India or Russia. Struggling to seize a portion of the offshore IT outsourcing pie, post-communist nations in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) are trying to capitalize on a variety of strengths. Poland and the Czech Republic put forth their newly-acquired EU membership and attractive business climate; Russia builds on a vast scientific and technological heritage of the Soviet era; the Ukraine tries to exploit its new democratic image. In this race, Romania, the birth-place of the infamous Count Dracula, is primarily relying on its talents. With over 100 universities, the country annually produces 30,000 engineering graduates; 8,000 earn degrees in IT. Romanian student teams won first place at the International Olympiad of Informatics in 2003 in the US and were third in the world at the International Mathematical Olympiad in Mexico in 2005. However, mathematical and programming skills are typically strong in all CEE countries. What really makes Romanians stand out is their language skills. The Romanian language belongs to the Romance language group, making it easy for Romanians to pick up French, Italian, or Spanish. In addition, they held first place in the Certificate of Proficiency in English exam at Cambridge University, according to a 2003 Pierre Audoin Consulting report. Add to this the fact the country’s struggling economy was not offering a great deal of jobs after the collapse of the central planning system, and you will have a good picture of the forces driving skilled and foreign language-savvy Romanians to online marketplaces like Rent a Coder, Elance Online, or eWork. How Outsourcing is Affecting the Romanian Economy The shadow of the 1989 revolution that climaxed in the execution of Romania’s communist leader Ceausescu and his wife, and a prolonged economic recession through the most of 1990s, did not contribute to immediately turning the country into an investor’s hot spot. Romania still remains one of the least well-off CEE countries. What makes a difference, though, is that today Romania is a NATO member and a candidate to join the European Union in 2007; its economy is showing considerable growth (8.3 percent of GDP in 2004 and 4.1 percent in 2005) and the country’s image is changing. Big names such as Siemens, Alcatel, and Motorola have set up research and development, software development, or manufacturing facilities here. Siemens is the leading foreign employer with over 2,000 in the local workforce. Oracle maintains its European development and call centers there; its call center in Bucharest provides support in 13 European languages. IT export became an important part of the economy, currently involving nearly 17,000 people. In 2005 the export of software and IT services reached $250-280 million, estimates Florin Vrejoiu, Executive VP of the Romanian Association for Electronic and Software Industries. On the export side, Romania is especially strong in three areas: R&D outsourcing, security and embedded software development, and mechanical engineering outsourcing. A good example is Softwin, a 500-person Bucharest-based company known for its anti-virus tool BitDefender. Microsoft acquired intellectual property rights for RAV AntiVirus from GeCad, another successful maker of anti-virus software, in 2003, which reflects the increasing interest of foreigners in local companies and their products. In 2005 the volume of acquisition deals in the IT industry reached 250 million, says John Mennel, a US consultant working for USAID Enterprise Development and Strengthening Program in Romania. IT outsourcing companies include s Akela, Intrarom, IP Devel, andTotalsoft. Mennel estimates that around one third of approximately. 40,000 IT industry employees work for companies with 15 or less people. This estimation, however, uses official statistics and does not take into account hundreds or even thousands of freelancers who do not report their earnings to tax and statistical authorities. Even the government, a stakeholder which is usually slow to give a hand to the IT industry in other countries of the region, has contributed to the progress by granting a 100 percent income tax exemption for IT workers. What remains to be seen is whether the thousands of freelancers and small businesses who are successful at IT marketplaces will be seduced by corporations (which will inevitably start exploring this lucrative pool of resources) and eventually give up their independence in exchange for handsome salary packages. This perspective may seem questionable to some, considering Romanians’ love of being their own masters. „In Romania people like to own themselves. They do not like to be managed,” says Bodgan Castaliu, the 26-year-old executive manager of XcellenceIT, a 15-person Web development company. „As a matter of fact, every Romanian dreams about having a company of his own.” Considering that online IT markets still grow at a high rate (over 60 percent in 2005 in the case of Rent A Coder), it looks like big companies may have a tough time taking Romanian freelancers and small businesses under their wings. Lessons from the Outsourcing Journal: Romania attracts Western clients due to the high level of technical and language skills of IT workers, its well-developed (albeit fragmented) IT industry, and availability of a vast IT labor pool, largely untapped by IT outsourcing companies. The Romanian IT outsourcing industry is growing ahead of the rest of the economy. IT attracts foreign investors and is experiencing a wave of acquisitions of local companies by foreign investors. Evolutionary transformations, such as further growth and acquisitions as well as a reduction in the level of industry’s fragmentation, can be expected. Online marketplaces are becoming increasingly popular with small and medium businesses that outsource their IT tasks. These marketplaces enable access to a wide range of offshore suppliers, provide mechanisms for competitive supplier selections, safeguard transactions, and provide a number of other value-added services. Small companies and IT freelancers from Romania are very active at these marketplaces. Publish Date: June 2006 Source:Outsourcing Journal

Copyright © 2009 S.C. Smart Soft S.R.L. Romania

Citeste articolul pe: SmartNews

China si producatori de PC acuzati de piraterie software

O companie din California a intentat un proces legat de piraterie software impotriva guvernului chinez, a doi dezvoltatori software chinezi si sapte producatori de PC-uri, acuzandu-i ca au copiat ilegal cod in programul sau de filtrare a continutului Web si au distribuit acel cod ca parte a efortului de cenzurare sponsorizat de guvenul chinez.

Solid Oak Software din Santa Barbara, California, care vinde programul Cybersitter, au intentat o actiune civila in valoare de 2.2 miliarde$ la tribunalul federal din Los Angeles.

Pe langa guvernul Chinei, alti acuzati sunt producatorii de PC-uri Sony si Toshiba din Japonia; Lenovo, Acer, Asustek Computer si BenQ din Taiwan; Haier Group din China, precum si producatorii software din China Zhengzhou Jinhui System Engineering si Beijing Dazheng Human Language Technology Academy.

Compania acuza de incalcare copyright, delapidarea secretelor comerciale si conspiratie. Aceasta sustine ca producatorii chinezi ai software-ului Green Dam Youth Escort au copiat ilegal mai mult de 3000 de linii de cod din programul Cybersitter si ca au fost distribuite mai mult de 56 de milioane de copii ale Green Dam, chiar dupa ce au fost facute publice afirmatiile de incalcare copyright.

In iunie, guvernul chinez a inceput sa solicite ca toate PC-urile vandute in tara sa fie dotate cu software-ul Green Dam, pentru a proteja oamenii de pornogarfie. Activistii in domeniul drepturilor omului s-au plans ca acesta ar reprezenta o adevarata extindere a activitatilor de cenzura ale guvernului.

Un grup de cercetatori de la Universitatea Michigan au analizat Green Dam, dezvoltat de Dazheng si au ajuns la concluzia ca are vulnerabilitati de securitate si expune computerele la atacuri remote.

Acei cercetatori au descoperit ca Green Dam a copiat cod Cybersitter, inclusiv filtre proprietate si chiar si fisiere care nu erau necesare pentru functionare, ci erau notificari pentru clientii Cybersitter, a spus avocatul Solid Oak, Greg Fayer.

In urma criticarii software-ului, guvernul chinez a amanat implementarea politicii si a modificat-o, solicitand utilizarea Green Dam pe computere doar in scoli si Internet cafe-uri. Cu toate acestea, producatorii de PC-uri au continuat sa distribuie software-ul.

Guvernul chinez a platit initial companiilor Jinhui si Dzheng aproximativ 6.9 miliaone $ pentru o licenta pe un an pentru a distribui programul Green Dam si apoi a impus o taxa de licenta „substantiala” producatorilor de computere si altora care il utilizeaza, in acelasi timp oferindu-l pentru download gratuit de pe Internet.

Solid Oak mai sustine ca au existat numeroase incercari ilegale de a obtine acces la serverele sale din China si ca angajatii sai au fost asaltati cu email-uri continand un troian al carui scop era furtul de date.

The software company SMARTSOFT, operating in the software development area since 1997, is offering quality strategic software outsourcing services including process analysis, project management, marketing strategies, system analysis and design, support & deployment and search engine optimization, and IT and business consulting and development services.The Romanian IT Outsourcing Industry: A Stable Stable of Freelancers for the Online Marketplaces By Ulad Radkevitch, Outsourcing Journal IT freelancers and small businesses from over 130 nations compete for IT jobs at Rent A Coder, an online marketplace for professional services that facilitates over 12,000 IT projects per month. With over a dozen bids per project, buyers at Rent A Coder enjoy a wide selection of low-cost, high-quality suppliers; currently nearly 130,000 freelancers and companies are registered to bid for IT projects. Surprisingly, the largest proportion of these projects ends up not in the hands of Indians or Americans, but rather with IT professionals from Romania, an Eastern European nation. One such buyer is Athens Development, Inc., a small company from Tennessee that specializes in software applications for marketing. The company uses the marketplace to outsource 100 percent of its software development and support as well as some marketing-related services such as Web design. „For a small company like ours, it might be difficult to get adequate treatment from a typical Indian outsourcing provider as we do not generate enough work,” says Tracy A. Childers, the Founder of Athens Development. „A marketplace like Rent a Coder that provides access to talent from all over the world, along with value-added services such as escrow accounts, document storage, and arbitration, is an excellent solution for us. My business heavily relies on Rent a Coder. If something happens to Rent a Coder, it would be hard for me to switch to a different outsourcing channel,” he adds. For years, Romanians have been among the top three most active nations at this lively international bazaar, according to Rent a Coder Founder and CEO Ian Ippolito. In November 2005 Romanians accounted for 18 percent of the marketplace transaction volume, followed by Indians and Americans with 17 percent and 16 percent respectively. Why Romania? Athens Development, which has been using Rent a Coder for 18 months and runs several small outsourcing projects on a monthly basis, has developed a special preference for coders from Romania. According to Childers, Romanians always deliver high quality and are very committed to results. This type of attitude is supported by Ippolito. „Some buyers have told me that they prefer Romanian coders because their experience was that Romanians were harder working, more reliable with deadlines, and didn’t pester them with requests for payment before the job was completed.” However, even if Romanian freelancers are as hard working and cheap as it gets, this alone hardly explains why the country, with a population of just 22 million, is performing so well compared to offshore outsourcing giants such as India or Russia. Struggling to seize a portion of the offshore IT outsourcing pie, post-communist nations in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) are trying to capitalize on a variety of strengths. Poland and the Czech Republic put forth their newly-acquired EU membership and attractive business climate; Russia builds on a vast scientific and technological heritage of the Soviet era; the Ukraine tries to exploit its new democratic image. In this race, Romania, the birth-place of the infamous Count Dracula, is primarily relying on its talents. With over 100 universities, the country annually produces 30,000 engineering graduates; 8,000 earn degrees in IT. Romanian student teams won first place at the International Olympiad of Informatics in 2003 in the US and were third in the world at the International Mathematical Olympiad in Mexico in 2005. However, mathematical and programming skills are typically strong in all CEE countries. What really makes Romanians stand out is their language skills. The Romanian language belongs to the Romance language group, making it easy for Romanians to pick up French, Italian, or Spanish. In addition, they held first place in the Certificate of Proficiency in English exam at Cambridge University, according to a 2003 Pierre Audoin Consulting report. Add to this the fact the country’s struggling economy was not offering a great deal of jobs after the collapse of the central planning system, and you will have a good picture of the forces driving skilled and foreign language-savvy Romanians to online marketplaces like Rent a Coder, Elance Online, or eWork. How Outsourcing is Affecting the Romanian Economy The shadow of the 1989 revolution that climaxed in the execution of Romania’s communist leader Ceausescu and his wife, and a prolonged economic recession through the most of 1990s, did not contribute to immediately turning the country into an investor’s hot spot. Romania still remains one of the least well-off CEE countries. What makes a difference, though, is that today Romania is a NATO member and a candidate to join the European Union in 2007; its economy is showing considerable growth (8.3 percent of GDP in 2004 and 4.1 percent in 2005) and the country’s image is changing. Big names such as Siemens, Alcatel, and Motorola have set up research and development, software development, or manufacturing facilities here. Siemens is the leading foreign employer with over 2,000 in the local workforce. Oracle maintains its European development and call centers there; its call center in Bucharest provides support in 13 European languages. IT export became an important part of the economy, currently involving nearly 17,000 people. In 2005 the export of software and IT services reached $250-280 million, estimates Florin Vrejoiu, Executive VP of the Romanian Association for Electronic and Software Industries. On the export side, Romania is especially strong in three areas: R&D outsourcing, security and embedded software development, and mechanical engineering outsourcing. A good example is Softwin, a 500-person Bucharest-based company known for its anti-virus tool BitDefender. Microsoft acquired intellectual property rights for RAV AntiVirus from GeCad, another successful maker of anti-virus software, in 2003, which reflects the increasing interest of foreigners in local companies and their products. In 2005 the volume of acquisition deals in the IT industry reached 250 million, says John Mennel, a US consultant working for USAID Enterprise Development and Strengthening Program in Romania. IT outsourcing companies include s Akela, Intrarom, IP Devel, andTotalsoft. Mennel estimates that around one third of approximately. 40,000 IT industry employees work for companies with 15 or less people. This estimation, however, uses official statistics and does not take into account hundreds or even thousands of freelancers who do not report their earnings to tax and statistical authorities. Even the government, a stakeholder which is usually slow to give a hand to the IT industry in other countries of the region, has contributed to the progress by granting a 100 percent income tax exemption for IT workers. What remains to be seen is whether the thousands of freelancers and small businesses who are successful at IT marketplaces will be seduced by corporations (which will inevitably start exploring this lucrative pool of resources) and eventually give up their independence in exchange for handsome salary packages. This perspective may seem questionable to some, considering Romanians’ love of being their own masters. „In Romania people like to own themselves. They do not like to be managed,” says Bodgan Castaliu, the 26-year-old executive manager of XcellenceIT, a 15-person Web development company. „As a matter of fact, every Romanian dreams about having a company of his own.” Considering that online IT markets still grow at a high rate (over 60 percent in 2005 in the case of Rent A Coder), it looks like big companies may have a tough time taking Romanian freelancers and small businesses under their wings. Lessons from the Outsourcing Journal: Romania attracts Western clients due to the high level of technical and language skills of IT workers, its well-developed (albeit fragmented) IT industry, and availability of a vast IT labor pool, largely untapped by IT outsourcing companies. The Romanian IT outsourcing industry is growing ahead of the rest of the economy. IT attracts foreign investors and is experiencing a wave of acquisitions of local companies by foreign investors. Evolutionary transformations, such as further growth and acquisitions as well as a reduction in the level of industry’s fragmentation, can be expected. Online marketplaces are becoming increasingly popular with small and medium businesses that outsource their IT tasks. These marketplaces enable access to a wide range of offshore suppliers, provide mechanisms for competitive supplier selections, safeguard transactions, and provide a number of other value-added services. Small companies and IT freelancers from Romania are very active at these marketplaces. Publish Date: June 2006 Source:Outsourcing Journal

Copyright © 2009 S.C. Smart Soft S.R.L. Romania

Citeste articolul pe: SmartNews

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